Kindergarten 3 years – 5 year old
Support is given to your child by the Educator to help them develop self – esteem and confidence and to gain a sense of being a valued and contributing member of the group.
There is a strong focus on supporting your child to engage in meaningful and respectful conversations and interactions with other children and adults at the service.
Positive behaviour guidance strategies are used and children are encouraged to take an active role in managing their own behaviour.
Your child is provided encouragement and opportunities to develop their independence.
The planned activities provided for your child are based on their interests and abilities, and your child is supported to begin to develop the skills that they will need when they start school.
Children are encouraged to intereact fairly and respectfully with others, and to negoitate and resolve issues effectively.
The service uses community resources such as local parks, recreation facilities,libraries and shops to provide your child with opportunities to become involved in the wider community.